Resources for 192nd GA Commissioner & Youth Advisory Delegates

Resources for 192nd GA Commissioner & Youth Advisory Delegates2023-11-03T02:20:49-05:00

Welcome Commissioners & Youth Advisory Delegates!

The 192nd General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church may consider proposed amendments that seek to limit or usurp the rightful authority of our diverse sessions and presbyteries to ordain individuals they determine are qualified. We have prepared this resource page for commissioners and youth advisory delegates where we share Rev. Abby Cole Keller’s call to unity, a list of concerns with the exclusionary memorials, the stories of a few LGBTQ+ Cumberland Presbyterians, and their supporters, as well as scriptural and theological resources that we hope will be helpful as you discern together what is the wisest course of action for the Church.

Two years ago, Commissioner Rev. Joy Warren of Murfreesboro Presbytery submitted a resolution to bring the stories of LGBTQIA+ members and leaders and other scriptural and theological resources before commissioners. Since LGBTQIA+ Cumberland Presbyterians are among those who will be most impacted by these amendments, we believe it is an ethical imperative to consider them, their stories and the recommended scriptural and theological resources. We believe that those wanting to do their due diligence, will consider these voices and resources carefully.

As members of the body of Christ we are called to love one another and as an expression of that love to listen to each other, affirming the even greater common ground we enjoy and embrace as Cumberland Presbyterians:

“We acknowledge that within both Cumberland Presbyterian denominations there is a wide range of biblical understanding and interpretation. With that said, we should resolve – first and foremost – to love one another, and as an expression of that love to listen to each other, affirming the even greater common ground we enjoy and embrace as Cumberland Presbyterians. Our goal need not be one hundred percent agreement on biblical interpretation, but rather a mature awareness and consideration of the diversity of theological perspectives that a global and multi-ethnic denomination manifests.” ~ Unified Committee on Theology and Social Concerns Study Paper: A Question of Hermeneutics, Adopted in 2017 by the 187th General Assembly (CPC) and the 145th General Assembly (CPCA)

Please read these appeals to commissioners & youth advisory delegates

We respectfully request that you consider as a part of your deliberations the following resources:

Stories of those who will be impacted by the amendments

Our stories are an expression of our commitment to God, to the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, and  to sharing the truth of our experiences and our faith. They are a step towards deeper connection and greater unity as we seek to break down any walls that may exist between us.

We invited folks to share their stories in order to help commissioners and delegates know a few of those whom their decision will affect most directly. Please understand that LGBTQ+ Cumberland Presbyterians are already faithfully serving the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. Their stories reveal the damage that comes when people seek to limit God’s call on the lives of LGBTQ+ people in the CP Church. These stories are an expression of a deep commitment to God, to the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, and to sharing the truth of our experiences and our faith. They are a step towards deeper connection and greater unity as we seek to break down any walls that may exist between us. Thanks for watching.

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