A message to our LGBTQIA+ Cumberland Presbyterians…

You are not alone.

Embracing your faith and the gift of queerness when others don’t see it that way can be challenging at times. The good news is more and more of us have made this journey and want to help. So whether you’re looking for information, encouragement, support, or a community where you can belong – we are here for you. Contact us using the form below.

There are many ways to become involved in this witness to God’s gracious love:

  • Prayer. Join us in praying that the body of Christ will make room for God’s beloved LGBTQIA+ children.
  • Share your story. We are gathering stories of God’s people that tell of their faith journey as it relates to the inclusion of LGBTQ people in the life and ministry of the church. If you would like to share your story, please contact us at welcomingcps@gmail.com.
  • Submit a blog or item for the newsletter. Theological reflections, personal stories, news from your church, class or regional group are all welcome. For more information email: welcomingcps@gmail.com.
  • Recommend a resource. Have you read a book or article, seen a movie or play or some other resource that others might find helpful? Please recommend it! We offer suggested resources on this website and you may submit your recommendations by emailing welcomingcps@gmail.com.
  • Connect on social media. Social media is a great way to connect with the Welcoming Cumberland Presbyterian community and help spread our witness of the inclusive love of Jesus Christ. Engage with us on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and Instagram.
  • Subscribe to our newsletter. Receive periodic updates with news and events, resources for your congregation, as well as announcements of new blog posts and stories.


Need support in your journey? Are you interested in learning how to better support a family member or loved one, or how your your church can be more welcoming to all? Have a question? An idea? Want to learn more?

Send us a message anytime. We’re an all-volunteer effort, but we’ll reply as soon as possible.