Presented below are the proposed constitutional amendments taken from the “Summary of Actions” provided by Michael Sharpe, Stated Clerk of the Assembly. These amendments were deliberated upon during the 192nd General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, which convened in Denton, Texas, from June 19 to 23, 2023, where they narrowly passed with a one-vote margin. The next step involves presbyteries voting. However, they cannot be incorporated into the church constitution without three-quarters of the presbyteries approving them.

The amendments have been criticized as unnecessary, as each presbytery and session already possesses the rightful authority to ordain individuals they deem suitable, raising concerns about potential infringement upon that right. They aim to disqualify both existing and potential leaders of the church, raising serious concerns about disruption to the unity of the church and intrusion into people’s private lives. They target individuals in sexual relationships outside of marriage, encompassing divorced persons, engaged couples, disabled couples at risk of losing benefits upon marriage, same-sex couples, or any couple not yet married or opting not to marry for personal reasons, disqualifying them from a call to serve as an Elder or Minister. The full text of the amendments follow:


Approved sending the following proposed changes to the Constitution to the Presbyteries for vote:

1. That the Constitution be amended by adding the following Paragraph 2.92 and renumbering subsequent sections as appropriate:
2.92 When a person is in a sexual relationship that is outside the boundaries of marriage as described in the Confession of Faith 6.17, then such a situation makes that person ineligible to be ordained to the office of elder.

2. That the Constitution be amended by adding the following sentence at the end of the current Paragraph 2.73:
When a person is in a sexual relationship that is outside the boundaries of marriage as described in the Confession of Faith 6.17, then such a situation makes that person ineligible to serve as an elder on the session of a church.

3. That the Constitution be amended by adding the following Paragraph 6.35 and renumbering subsequent sections as appropriate:
6.35 No licentiate shall be ordained who is in a sexual relationship that is outside the boundaries of marriage as described in the Confession of Faith
6.17. Such a situation makes that person ineligible to be ordained as a minister in the Cumberland Presbyterian Church.

4. That the Constitution be amended by adding the following new Paragraph 7.02 and renumbering subsequent sections as appropriate:
7.02 When a person is in a sexual relationship that is outside the boundaries of marriage as described in the Confession of Faith 6.17, then such a situation makes that person ineligible to serve a church in any of the relationships stated in 7.01.

NOTE: The 146th Cumberland Presbyterian Church in America (CPCA) General Assembly voted to return the Proposed Arkansas Memorial Constitution Amendment changes to the CPC/CPCA Joint Committee on Amendments with a “Non-Concurrence” Vote. – Excerpt from the 146th CPCA General Assembly Summary of Actions.

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