Dr. Hubert Morrow: The Confession of Faith in Cumberland Presbyterian History

By |2024-06-30T01:55:06-05:00February 11th, 2024|

The Confession of Faith in Cumberland Presbyterian History Author: Hubert W. Morrow Source: The Journal of Presbyterian History (1997-), FALL 1998, Vol. 76, No. 3 (FALL 1998), pp. 187-197 Published by: Presbyterian Historical Society It is important to consider how Cumberland Presbyterians hold and use our confession of faith. Is it a document we remain in respectful dialogue with, or something we use to shut down discussion? Is it treated as a fixed legal code, or as a humble expression of our shared beliefs that can adapt and change with time? This is particularly relevant given recent debates, where prooftexts and certain interpretations of the Confession have been appealed to as an authority to marginalize significant portions of the church's membership and leadership. "The Introduction to the 1984 Confession of Faith describes it as a 'testimony to Jesus Christ', stating: "The purpose of a confession of faith is two-fold: (1) to provide a means whereby those who have been saved, redeemed, and reconciled by God through Jesus Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit understand and affirm their faith; and (2) to bear witness to God's saving activity in such a way that those who have not been saved, redeemed, and reconciled might believe in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and experience salvation.... All testimony to Jesus Christ is made within the context of the church universal and therefore must not be made in a narrow, sectarian manner or spirit...A confession of faith which is evangelical in purpose and spirit seeks to testify to what God has done and is doing in the world to accomplish the redemption of his children." We turn to Dr. Hubert Morrow, Cumberland Presbyterian minister, professor, historian and theologian. Dr. Hubert Morrow’s paper on the Confession of Faith in Cumberland Presbyterian history explores

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Rev. Dr. George Estes Opposes Amendments

By |2024-02-27T03:22:42-06:00January 18th, 2024|

As follows is a letter from Honorably Retired Minister, Rev. Dr. George R. Estes, expressing opposition to proposed amendments to the Church Constitution. These amendments intend to remove persons in same-sex relationships from church leadership: In a church fight, the first casualty is the gospel. Those whom our Lord especially charged to love one another find themselves harboring feelings of suspicion, anger and competitiveness toward brothers and sisters in Christ. Half-truths and exaggerations mark the tense dialog that often accompanies such disputes. When sharp differences of opinion arise in the church, it is incumbent upon us to reassess our commitment to the way of Christ as we make our way through the difficulties. The proposed amendment(s) to the Constitution that General Assembly has sent to the presbyteries for deliberation and action is a matter eliciting strong emotions on all sides. Supporters of the amendment typically think of themselves as faithful to Scripture while its opponents argue the same from their perspective. Some self-styled “orthodox” Cumberland Presbyterians have sought to disengage from those they perceive to be “progressive” Cumberland Presbyterians. The antipathy of the latter group is less organized but no less dedicated to their vision of the Church. There has been a tendency on the part of supporters of the amendment to regard its opponents as Constitutional Cumberlands as distinct from Confessional Cumberlands, i.e., themselves. There is no such line of demarcation. In the history of our Church the vows of church membership and of ordination have seen no ideological division between the Confession and the Constitution. The Cumberland Presbyterian Church came into existence in response to a legalistic predestinarianism and elitist requirements for clergy. Faith and constitution were involved. They still are. The actions and attitudes of those fostering the amendment have been demonstrably schismatic. The Church is at

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From Welcome to Mission: A Pastor’s Transformative Response to the AIDS Crisis

By |2024-03-13T23:44:51-05:00December 1st, 2023|

Rev. Betty Youngman by Rev. Betty Youngman My first pastorate was with the Meadowbrook Church in Fort Worth, Texas. It was a small congregation located in what was called “a transitional” neighborhood… elderly folk were moving out and mostly African-American families were moving in. I frequently preached that we should welcome whoever came to our door, and the congregation affirmed this goal. Among those we welcomed was a very nice gay couple. Their return for the second Sunday was a signal to me that it was time for a pastoral visit. What I learned on that visit changed the direction of my life. The guys had just moved into our neighborhood to be near friends of theirs who needed their help. While I visited, they asked, would I please make a hospital visit to a close friend who had AIDS. This was during the early days of the AIDS epidemic and fear was pervasive. Scientists had determined that the disease was transmitted through the exchange of bodily fluids…probably. But when I arrived at the hospital I found the patient in strict isolation, and visitors were required to gown up, head to toe. My path from the door of his room to his bedside took forever. My mantra “you can’t get this from touch” seemed as much a prayer for God’s guidance as a wish to be anywhere else but in this hospital. What I learned from that very young and very ill gentleman changed the course of the Meadowbrook congregation. He was one of five living in a one-room apartment…four of whom had AIDS. All had been separated from their families of origin. The fifth person was employed, trying simultaneously to pay rent and to provide food and nursing care to his friends. This apartment was located no

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Our Stories: God Has Called Me To Serve

By |2023-09-25T01:16:07-05:00September 23rd, 2023|

Faithful servants of God and the church are facing a profound challenge as they await a decision on the amendments being deliberated in the presbyteries. These are their stories... God Has Called Me To Serve Anonymous Cumberland Presbyterian Minister In the rural area where I grew up, we assumed that everyone was alike. The reality, as I came to understand, is that everyone is different in their own way. I just did not realize it when I was young. When I entered college, I had an awakening and discovered that there were a lot of things I had not experienced. For example, two of my female classmates (one black and one white) were known as a couple. I make a point of their different races because, at the time, such commingling was considered heresy. But then, to make matters worse, they were a couple… Well, as far as I knew--based on the culture in which I grew up--they were hell-bound! This was how I was raised. People of different races didn’t date. And still, for many people today, people of same gender…well, to many, that is still considered a bridge too far. Imagine my own personal struggles when I went to Seminary; and for the first time, because of people I met, had classes with, and walked beside in faith, I wrestled with these social issues. It was quite the Jacob moment. It was during this time that I came to terms with who God created me to be. After all, how does one tackle the issues of faith and ultimately not come to know oneself even better? It is only through God’s grace and the special intervention by some very near and dear people that I am able to tell this story. You see, when I was entrapped by

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Our Stories: Our Lives Have Callings on Them

By |2024-05-28T04:35:33-05:00September 15th, 2023|

As presbyteries deliberate upon proposed amendments that intend to exclude a whole class of persons, let us bear in mind the gravity of these changes. They will profoundly impact the lives of individuals already faithfully serving within our denomination, especially those who identify as LGBTQ+, their families, and their congregations. For personal insight into these issues, we share a story from an anonymous Cumberland Presbyterian minister. Their story serves to illustrate the experience of a person of faith, a Cumberland Presbyterian minister, who has both answered God's call and also identifies as a member of the LGBTQ+ community. In a spirit of love, compassion, and our commitment to following Christ's example, let us recognize that God calls who God wills, and it is our shared responsibility to ensure that all members of our church family hearing God's call are given the opportunity to answer and serve within our denominations. As individuals open up and share their testimonies, let it be our prayer that the love of Christ unite us. May we practice forbearance, making room for one another, becoming a church that reflects God's boundless love and grace for all. Our Lives Have Callings on Them anonymous Cumberland Presbyterian minister As a child born into the Cumberland Presbyterian church, a member of a family who loves the Lord and a person who obeyed God’s call to serve in the ministry, my life has been unreservedly impacted by the church for the entirety of my existence in flesh. As an infant, I was dedicated to the Lord to be raised in the church and my church family took great pride in being the community that raised me. At 7 years old, my father led me to know Christ. By the time I was 13 years old, I realized that I was

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Proposed Constitutional Amendments (2023)

By |2024-02-27T03:04:55-06:00September 5th, 2023|

Presented below are the proposed constitutional amendments taken from the "Summary of Actions" provided by Michael Sharpe, Stated Clerk of the Assembly. These amendments were deliberated upon during the 192nd General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, which convened in Denton, Texas, from June 19 to 23, 2023, where they narrowly passed with a one-vote margin. The next step involves presbyteries voting. However, they cannot be incorporated into the church constitution without three-quarters of the presbyteries approving them. The amendments have been criticized as unnecessary, as each presbytery and session already possesses the rightful authority to ordain individuals they deem suitable, raising concerns about potential infringement upon that right. They aim to disqualify both existing and potential leaders of the church, raising serious concerns about disruption to the unity of the church and intrusion into people's private lives. They target individuals in sexual relationships outside of marriage, encompassing divorced persons, engaged couples, disabled couples at risk of losing benefits upon marriage, same-sex couples, or any couple not yet married or opting not to marry for personal reasons, disqualifying them from a call to serve as an Elder or Minister. The full text of the amendments follow: JOINT COMMITTEE ON AMENDMENTS Approved sending the following proposed changes to the Constitution to the Presbyteries for vote: 1. That the Constitution be amended by adding the following Paragraph 2.92 and renumbering subsequent sections as appropriate: 2.92 When a person is in a sexual relationship that is outside the boundaries of marriage as described in the Confession of Faith 6.17, then such a situation makes that person ineligible to be ordained to the office of elder. 2. That the Constitution be amended by adding the following sentence at the end of the current Paragraph 2.73: When a person is in a sexual relationship that

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An Open Letter from 13 Former Moderators

By |2024-03-13T04:16:14-05:00September 5th, 2023|

We are grateful to share an open letter from thirteen of nineteen former General Assembly Moderators who stand united in opposition to the proposed exclusionary constitutional amendments. These individuals, representing various theological perspectives, have come together out of their deep love for our denomination and shared hope for its vibrant future. They wisely implore us to consider the harmful implications of these amendments, urging thoughtful discernment and reflection. We encourage you to read their concerns, as we echo their call for grace and unity. We earnestly pray that the church’s presbyteries will reject these divisive amendments and remember that we are one body in Christ Jesus. As we navigate our journey ahead, may we all do so with an abundance of grace, love, and understanding. August 31, 2023 Dear Cumberland Presbyterian Family, The former Moderators of the General Assembly (GA) of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church (CPC) signed below have profound reservations concerning the proposed Constitutional Amendments that are currently placed before our presbyteries. Like our church, we all stand at different theological perspectives on many issues except for our common love for our denomination. Our hope for its vibrant future compels us to pen this plea for preserving the foundational spirit of Cumberland Presbyterianism which is threatened by the proposed Constitutional Amendments. We pray that you take time for discernment before the impending vote to consider underlying concerns that cause us to stand united in opposition to its passage. Here are a few of the reasons why we are opposed to these Amendments: -Will weaken the authority and power of lower judicatories (Synod, Presbytery, Session). The 1894 General Assembly endorsed Louisa Woosley as a lay evangelist. While many were not individually receptive to women in ministry, they recognized the power of the presbytery to ordain. The authority for the ordination

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Ed Adair: Recommendation to Reject Proposed Amendments

By |2024-03-13T02:42:11-05:00August 7th, 2023|

Ed Adair This article highlights how the proposed amendments present multiple issues relative to their interpretation, implementation, application, and enforcement. Originally published as a Letter to the Editor in the Cumberland Presbyterian magazine, it has been reprinted here with some edits. The author, Edward H. Adair, holds a law degree from the University of Kentucky College of Law, class of 1985, and has served in roles such as Federal Law Clerk and Special Assistant United States Attorney for the Department of the Interior. Currently, he is a Licentiate under the care of the Presbytery of East Tennessee and fulfills the role of Privacy and Regulatory Specialist at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. To Whom It May Concern, I am writing to share my reflections and deliberations concerning the proposed amendments to the Cumberland Presbyterian Church's (CPC) Constitution. I respectfully submit that I do not favor the proposed amendments. In my view, excluding individuals from serving as Elders, Ministers, or in other positions of leadership within the CPC based on their identification as members of the LGBTQIA+ community is not aligned with the teachings of the Holy Scriptures when we consider the historical, cultural, and linguistic contexts in which the scriptures were written. Furthermore, such exclusion is inconsistent with the love, compassion, and inclusive nature of the Kingdom of God as proclaimed, preached, and embodied by Christ. Notwithstanding this conviction, I have approached my reading, interpretation, analysis, and commentary on the proposed amendments as objectively as possible. I understand that not everyone shares the same viewpoint on this issue, and I acknowledge that convictions and emotions run deep. This document aims to promote dialogue and discernment, driven by the conviction that a variety of perspectives enriches the depth and breadth of our process. At our core, we are members

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Dr. Campbell Pleads for Those Facing Exclusion

By |2024-03-13T03:56:24-05:00June 21st, 2023|

Rev. Dr. Thomas D. Campbell was honored on the evening of June 21, 2023, at the 192nd General Assembly for his service and contributions to the Cumberland Presbyterian Church with the Program of Alternate Studies. Dr. Campbell was the Director of the Program of Alternate Studies at Memphis Theological Seminary for sixteen years. He has served as the moderator of General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian denomination, moderator of Texas Synod and moderator of four different presbyteries. He has served congregations in Arkansas, Kentucky, Mississippi, Texas, and Tennessee, with three of those being new church developments and one redevelopment. Dr. Campbell has preached revivals at more than 40 churches across the denomination. His writings include Brothers of the Faith, One Family Under God, The Bible and the Calendar and Campbell’s Collection. In his concluding remarks, Dr. Campbell addressed the proposed amendments, emphasizing the inclusive nature of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, lifting up a plea for the embrace of all Cumberland Presbyterians: “I grew up in an inclusive [Cumberland Presbyterian] church. We didn’t know the word exclusive. I don't like it. I don't. That’s not who we are. We do not exclude anybody, including our own people!” “The great NBA coach, Doc Rivers, he was the coach of the Boston Celtics for many years and he was an African American. He spoke on an issue one time, the fact that black people were simply not appreciated and often had disadvantages caused by bad policing among other things. He said these words, “We love America. Why can’t you love us back?” Well, I know some Cumberland Presbyterians who grew up in the church, who learned from the church, who were nurtured in the church, who gave their money to the church, who have been educated in our institutions in this church, and

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Reasons to Deny Proposed Amendments (2023)

By |2024-03-13T04:21:59-05:00June 21st, 2023|

Welcoming Cumberland Presbyterians is an independent grassroots movement of LGBTQ+ Cumberland Presbyterians and clergy, elders and laity who wish to increase participation in the church by living out our confessional calling to seek reconciliation among all groups of people (CoF, 6.32) and embrace all people in the life of the church (CoF, 6.16). The proposed amendments seek to modify the Constitution of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church in such a way as to target individuals in a sexual relationship outside marriage. This could encompass engaged couples, disabled couples at risk of losing benefits upon marriage, same-sex couples, or any couple yet to marry or opting not to marry for personal reasons, disqualifying them from a call to serve as an Elder or Minister. We urge the Church to deny these amendments. We oppose the proposed amendments for being divisive, exclusionary, unnecessary and dangerous. They threaten the rightful and appropriate authority and discretion of our diverse presbyteries and sessions to ordain those whom they deem qualified. The following concerns are not an exhaustive list, but we hope it will be a starting place for further conversation: For the sake of unity, it is crucial we recognize that the church consists of those who, in good faith, come to different interpretative conclusions on the complex issue of sexuality. As "God alone is Lord of the Conscience," members should retain the prerogative to live according to their conscience. The proposed amendments are unnecessary because each presbytery and session already has the rightful authority to ordain those they deem qualified.  We believe the wisest path forward for the church is to continue respecting the rightful authority of our sessions and presbyteries to ordain those they deem qualified, uphold privacy and freedom of conscience for personal relationships, and practice tolerance and forbearance towards those with differing

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